The Messenger


  • JANUARY – MARCH 2020

  • Volume 1

Pastor’s Pen

I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvelous works. I will rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9:1-2. As pastor of this unique body of Christ, I want to take this divine opportunity to acknowledge all the members’ who have toiled and labored and as such have extended their time and dedication to Holy Ghost Prayer House Deliverance Ministry. The miraculous works of the Almighty God is evident in the Holy sanctuary. How great is our God! None of this accomplishment could have never been achieved without you all. For this, I want to express my sincere heartfelt Holy Ghost gratitude.

As we continued to lift our praises to the Lord, we have had obstacles and disappointments, but we keep pressing and believing. We serve a great and mighty God. I can truly attest that we are having a glorious time in the Lord. His rewards are forthcoming as long as we stand on His promises. The decade has ended in high spiritual tide and we move forward with the theme, “Rebuilding the Walls” knowing that He will break new grounds.

We vibrantly entered the new decade celebrating the changes that are manifesting with the encounter of the blessed Holy Ghost. On numerous occasions, God has revealed that the chains are broken. As Tosha Cobbs sings, “This is a move…. mountains are still being moved; strongholds are still being loosed. God, we believe cause yes, we could see it that wonders are still what we do. Isn’t God awesome? Isn’t He worthy to be praised?

Children of God, we aim for higher heights and deeper depths in King Jesus. Souls bask in the presence of the Holy Ghost and thirsteth for God like the heart that panteth after the water brooks.  You will be used and made into His vessel. As one body in Christ we are glorifying God on this glory train.