Jesus said “Upon this rock I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.


Dream it.

Rev. Marcia Cameron Allen was an ardent church worker and church planter determined to take the gospel to a lost and dying world. She answered the call of God to labor in the vineyard and so for years she led a small group of believers in prayer meetings in her home. These meetings also extended to other homes and hospitals.

Build it.

In January 2008, the pressure was felt to find a place of worship and so after much praying, fasting and seeking; the Lord pointed her to 3203 Barnes Avenue. Pastor Allen and four saints Elder Esmie Hyatt, Sis Loretta Roberts, Sis Andrea Hyatt and Elder Everton Roberts stepped out in faith seeking God’s direction in this venture.


Elder Roberts labored tirelessly night and day to have the sanctuary completed and on Sunday, May 11, 2008 which divinely planned was Mother’s Day, birth was officially given to Holy Ghost Prayer House Deliverance Ministries.  Rev. Lynette Joy Nation, Pastor and Founder of HGPHDM Inc. joined us weeks later for the official launching of the ministry and for a week of revival services. After about six months we realized that the “small” space that seemed so large before was not able to hold the saints and so in December 2008, the Lord again opened the door, making all provisions for us to obtain and renovate a larger space at 3209A Barnes Avenue.  However, once again the church outgrew this location and there were days when there was an overflow and members would vacate their seats so visitors could sit; but the members sang, praised, danced and worshipped God on the side walk.

God’s visionary and the saints felt in their spirit that God wanted us to enlarge our borders in the Bronx and despite many disappointments and obstacles, roadblocks from financial institutions and doubters who said it could not be done  - God promised that he would enlarged our territory. Through prayer and fasting and divine intervention, God granted our request and in October 2013, God gave us a building that would permanently house the Sanctuary – 771 Burke Avenue.

The building was purchased solely by the financial contribution of the believers, their families and friends. Indeed there were extensive renovations to be done, and with all the resources exhausted, the men, women and children got together and worked, breaking down walls and flooring and carting away tons of debris.  Similar to 2008, Elder Roberts once again devoted himself and mobilized the saints to utilize their different talents and skills to the glory of God. Despite many challenges and disappointments, and after nearly 5 years of prayer and many months of planning, we experienced the miraculous provision and favor of God on this ministry and we were able to move into a 90% completed building and had our first service in the new sanctuary on December 6, 2015, with our dedication service being held on June 27, 2016.

The church has grown both spiritually and numerically as God allowed the church to perform ordinances according to the word of God.

We pray that THIS HOUSE be marked as the pillar of truth declaring the Word of God and the power of Pentecost. May it represent a great church in the city of the Bronx where all are welcome and there is the spirit of truth.