To continually lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of our technology tools and technical gifts by creating an excellent spiritual and technical atmosphere.

Media Ministry

The purpose of the Media  Ministry here at HGPHDM is to carry the Gospel of Jesus  Christ to our visually-driven, ever changing world through the use of technology and media, and to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. To capture through photography, audio and video recording of the various Spiritual Religious events; provide media services and support to the various ministries; to invest in the God-given vision of the Pastor; to assist in fulfilling the main Spiritual foundation mission of the church; to maintain and update the various methods of media used for communication and the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This ministry not only provides the technical support required for our worship services, but also records events, publishes the quarterly newsletter as well as the annual magazine.

The ministry’s mission is to glorify God by ensuring that His Word and our praise and song to Him is seen and heard clearly and without distraction or interference.  To continually lead people into a new or growing relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of our technology tools and technical gifts by creating an excellent spiritual and technical atmosphere.


Like most forms of ministry, women's ministry is Jesus-centered. It's all about helping other women to come to Christ and grow in Christ. It's about encouraging people to understand the gospel, respond to the gospel and apply the gospel to every aspect of life.

We are called women of the four Ps – Prayer, Power, Praise and Purpose.  So as women, we realize that we have a purpose and it’s to pray  for the power of the Almighty to rest upon his people, to be there for the younger women who need role models that are walking in the light of God, so we give God praise for his goodness as we press along in God’s own way.

Our aim is to ensure every woman in this congregation has the opportunity to:

  • Hear and respond to the gospel (Acts 16:13-15)

  • Grow in godliness (Ephesians 4:22)

  • Be spurred on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24)

  • Be equipped for service (Ephesians 4:12)

  • Be active in making disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)

  • And the let those aims shape all you do.


Choir Ministry is a wonderful way to express your love and service to the Lord, and in return see God bless others as we minister to Him in worship.

HGPHDM consists of multiple choirs:  Youth, Young adults, Men and the main Chapel Choir. The choir led the Israelites army into victory.  When we sing, the Lord reminds us to sing until the power of the Lord come down. Sometimes just ministering to God’s people through songs, bring some to repentance and ease some troubled minds with the reassurance of God’s love. 


The Young Adult Ministry is a group of young, vibrant men and women who are passionate about God, filled with the Holy Spirit and are always ready to serve in our church and the community.  Young adults :-

  • Praise and glorify God

  • Strive to seek the Holy Spirit and the deep things of God

  • Establish a life of prayer, bible reading and daily devotion

  • Aim to promote moral and spiritual structure in order to empower our lives as disciples of Chris in the home, church and the wider community

  • Use our time, gifts and talents to glorify God

The Young Adult Ministry motto:-1 Timothy 4:12 – “Strive to be an example of believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in faith and in purity.” 


The Mission’s Ministry is a very vital and important part of our Church. Unless we are of a Mission’s mindset, there can be no growth in the Ministry. So, in spite of obstacles and set back, we are ready to rise up and rebuild.

The Mission’s agenda is as follows:-

  • Visit the sick and shut ins

  • Visit the sick in the hospital and nursing homes

  • Join with other departments to support those in need oversees and elsewhere

  • Evangelize in the community 


Sunday school is one of the church’s most powerful ways to affirm the Word of God as the foundation for living the Christian life. It is the place where we teach the vital importance of Scripture to our babies, children, youth, young adults, and adults and disciple them in their Christian walk. It is our way of fulfilling the Great Commission of reaching the lost at any cost.  A ministry that seeks to inform and educate and most of all, sets the wheel in motion for the church service.

With an intent to break down and simplify each subject to the attendees, it is organized by way of age groups and a teacher assigned to each group.  Therefore, with an atmosphere conducive for learning, it is imperative that everyone plays a part in attending Sunday School and encourage their loved ones to be a part of this great work. 


Men's Ministry is a community of men submitted and committed to following the example of Jesus Christ. We seek to glorify and serve God by building character, serving the community, and reproducing the life of Jesus in the lives of others. The Men’s Ministry is an arm of the church organized to motivate and lift up the male members of the church. It is but one spoke in the wheel, a functioning limb with its part to play to make the body whole.

Though few in number, the work must go on, so we continue to be encouraged by Gideon’s Army, that it’s not in the number, it’s if we have a mind to work, great things can be accomplished. Little is much when God is in it.


Rejoice O young man in thy youth and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth.  As our motto explains it all, we are the Youth In Action.  We have come this far by faith leaning on the everlasting arms of our Saviour Jesus Christ our soon coming King.  Thanking God this ministry because it is the nursery bed of the church.  In due season you will have Pastors, Deacon, Evangelist, and the list goes on being birth out of this ministry.  On every given Friday nights that we meet for fellowship, our youths are encourage in the word of God which enable them in the development of their faith and having the courage to explore, because the sky’s is the limit.  They are constantly reminded as the apostle Paul stated in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.  We are constantly marveled by the youths of this ministry and we give all honor and praise to the Lord Most High.  He is always there guiding us as we the youth department purpose in our hearts to lift up the blood stain banner high.  We strive to provide the youths with activities to keep them off the street, because they are the future of tomorrow.  Let us continue to pray for the youths of this nation.  God bless you all. 


The Ushers administers to the needs of the Pastor and congregation each Sunday.  We facilitate the worship experience by meeting the congregation with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directing them to their seats.  We ensure that perfect  order is kept in and around the Sanctuary at all times during the worship experience.  The Ushers continue to practice the love of God by being compassionate in our dealings with the congregation.  We strive to serve with humility, dignity and Christian love in the house of the Lord. 


Dancing is an act of worship expressed by redeemed believers. The dancers, all Spirit-filled, are able to portray that which they receive from God and communicate it to His people. Since the inception of the Feet of Praise, there has been a progressive growth in praise and adoration for our God who created us to praise Him. The joy of the Lord has grown stronger and deeper ever since. We are forever a work in progress. Our ultimate goal is to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:12-13

The mission of Feet of Praise is to minister and evangelize the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the art of dance. We are committed to bringing glory to God not just in our local house of worship but expanding to reach our community. Our desire is to express the love, power, mercy and dominion of Jesus Christ through the use of expressive worship. 


This is the main arm of the church, which is used to edify the spirit and soul. The vision for bible study is to take the gospel both to our nearby world and to the ends of the earth, proclaiming Christ, warning and teaching every man with all wisdom, in order that we may present every person fully matured in Christ Jesus – Colossians 1:28. Bible studies is held on Wednesdays at 8:00pm in the sanctuary and on zoom.


The Prayer Line was conceptualized in November 2008 by Pastor Marcia Cameron Allen and Sister Loretta Roberts. It is an additional form of worship which allows persons who work overnight, weekends or persons of diverse faith to be a part of the body of Christ. Prayer deepens our relationship with God and brings us closer to him. The Bible tells us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6. The Prayer Line is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00am and on Saturdays at 6:00am. The phone number is 712-775-7002 with access code 80002.